Dec 7, 2010

Flying Kitties Falling from the Sky!

The Most Well-Known Words in the Whole World are "OK", "FUCK" and "SEX"
But... How about "USELESS"!? 
We are Sorrounded by Unfit Shit, or the Unfit Shit is Sorrounded by Humans!! I don´t know, the Human Beign has hung the *Sold Out* Little Sign on the Showcase of Good Ideas and we... Well Better to Shut my Mouth and  show you some Pathetic but Famous Examples:

Facebook "I Like it" Button
This is Dogshit, most of the People Flirt making use of it, but who was the Retarded Bastard that have Created this Aplicattion without Making the Opposite Button "Dislike", It´s not that hard, You just have to add the "Dis" before the "Like" and that´s it, or how about this one:
Picture by: Thefelder
Arial Font
If you want to be more Boring than a Sunday Morning Mass Sermon Readed by like the Oldest Person Alive, then Use this Poor Try of Font and be a Happy Asshole, Maybe Useless is not the Correct word to Describe it but gets Really Close to it
Lady Gaga´s Customes
Are you Kidding me?? Look at Eminem´s Shitting Face on the Picture!! This Homeless Bastard Looking Dress can Only be used by Alien Drag Queens
This Transit Signals
Oh Yeah, Turtles are so Motherfucking Fast that We can´t See them While they are Walking, This is a Pretty Good Advice if you are a Blind Moron
Picture by: Naure

WTFITS? = What the Fuck is that Shit?
Red Carpets (Suggested by Cain´s Reaper)
Picture by: Bionic Woman

This Could have a Little Sense if it would be Used by People who Really Deserve it! We can see Pubescent Disney Channel Little Shits Walking on it, Next time We Should Paint it Red with the Cronical Bleeding Produced by a Fist on them Faces...
Picture by: Bconlisk

If God would Really Exist wouldn´t let Create this Piece of Crap! I can have more fun while Drinking Water or Brushing my Teeth... Someday I´ll Create SHITVILLE, here you will see the Process in Wich Shit is Turned into Cattle Manure
My Super Stupid Boring Posts
Picture by: Next2nick

Me and Your Mom know that this Sucks, If you don´t Believe me then go Ask Her!
Created by: Simplestamp
Created by: KillMePleaseGod


I Guess that you are Wondering two things, the first one "Why does this Post was Freaking Slim Shit and worst than the Other one?? Commit Suicide Please!", the Answer is that you know it Sucks worst than you Sport Shoes and is Just Getting more Pathetic every Week... And Second, "Where are the Fucking Cats???" ¡¡ HERE BITCH!!
Created by: Kuro Azumii
Created by: I don´t Know, Fucking Google?
Created by: Metal Marty
Created by: Ilona Nelapsi
Created by: Haytacburka
Created by: ME!

Some Drop Dead Kitties Based Stuff that Would be Mine this Month!
Well now I go


Nov 30, 2010

I´m in love with a Zombie!

As we know, Zombies are those Hungry Dudes who´ve Came to Life to eat some Brains and kind of stuff... Humans call them "Living Dead People" or "Fuck off Bastard!" and the most of them find them Disgusting because of the way they look, but Come On! You´ll look the same if you spend most of your time in a Grave!
Their bad Reputation is Caused Because of their Insatiable Killing Desire and Bad Manners at the Dinner Time... Their Favorite activity is Drooling, but they Enjoy Walking in Circles Sayin´ Nothing but Meaningless Growlings Too! (Seems Like a Lot of Fun ^^) It´s well Known that if One of them Bites you then you´ll Become a Zombie, this is how they Reproduce themselves, that´s why it stills a Mistery if it Exists Gay, Bisexual or Justin Bieber Zombies out there...
Anyway, this Horror-Film based Creatures (Like they are Prefer to be Called) don´t have an easy "life" at all! They must Constantly deal with Insults, bad and low Budget shitty stuff making reference to them, Humans Beating the hell out of their Friends,  and the well Known "Headshots"! But this Aspects have involved them into a New Lifestyle trough the Years, and the Most of them are Represented as they Deserve... 
Zombie movies keep Pumping out, there are many Zombie Dedicated Clothing Lines and they are also Popular in Music (What else Could you ask for?). These are all attractive Qualities stuff, and very Rock and Roll if you ask me. It seems that Zombies can reach Anyone! If there was a Zombie Apocalypse we´ll could be Sweet Zombies, or super awesome Zombie killers..!!

Let´s see some Examples:

¡Zombie Clothing Style!
"Ladies Zombie Stomper Platform" - By Iron Fist Clothing

¡Kickass Artists like Rob Zombie!
Rob Zombie - Living Dead Girl

¡Hot Zombie Girls Films!
"Zombie Strippers" Trailer (2008)

¡Cool Posters and Self Made Publicity!
"Zombie Ninja Turtle" - By Electro Zombie Clothing

Horror! Frankenstein, Werewolves, Dracula… They are still all alive (Well, Technically alive) in our Minds and Hearts. But one of them has Risen Above the rest and has Proven that it’s Going to be around for a Long Time, Zombies are Rock Stars, they do what they want when they want. So, why wouldn’t we love them? I will get Marry with One ^^

That was it! I know is Deep Shit but Who said that It wasn´t Going to be... Now, If you don´t care I´ll go to eat my Shoes, feed my Anorexical Unicorn and Try to find the Cure for AIDS so Then I can Help You!

Nerd Zombie is a Nerd
Answer his Question on the Right Side of your Screen or He will Appear on Your Bed Tomorrow Morning

P.S. Some People have Requested me to Upload some Videos, and I´ll do it soon, but for the Moment I´ll be Posting every Tuesday as I´ve said Before... BLAH!

Have a Nice Fucking Day!


Nov 23, 2010

To That 3 or 4 Persons out There!

Boring Introduction

What´s Up!? I´m Surprised of How Bored are you that you will Read This... This BLOG was Created by me (Yes, That Guy in the "About me" Section who Tries to Look Sexy) With the Only Purpose of Saying Stupid Stuff Without be Hitting (Or Slapping) on my Face! So Yes, ENJOY!!! I´ll try to Upload some Cool Stuff for You, and I don´t Care if You Dislike it, But I´ll Care that You Tell me What Would make this a Better and a Quality Space for Everyone, Even if you have to Insult me...
Just Because BLOGGER is a Shitty Webpage doesn´t Mean that I will not be here Often, But Till Next Year I´ll be Posting Once per Week, On Tuesdays, So stay Tunned and I´ll be Grateful if you Follow this BLOG (Not Really... But DO IT NIGGA!) Well, that Would be Everything for today, don´t forget to be Nice, GOD is Watching You Hahaha ---> Meddler Bastard ¬¬

Have a Fucking Nice Rocking Day!
